You Are What You Act
You Are What You Act (2018)
2018 Winner of the Best Documentary, Illuminate Film Festival (world premiere)
Available in Canada on - Documentary Channel
Available outside Canada on - Apple TV
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Can you really fake it until you make it?
YAWYA proposes a potential revolutionary new health trend by asking what influences us more, our minds or our bodies. What has a greater effect, thinking positive or acting positive? Will smiling make you happier? Will changing your posture make you more confident? Will acting in love save your relationship?
Albert Nerenberg Power Posing
YAWYA speaks to the worlds leading psychologists in embodied cognition including George Lakeoff, Paul Ekman, Philip Zimbardo & Amy Cuddy, while tossing in a curve ball to demonstrate that all of these “psychological” exercises are actually things learned in elementary theatre class. Is acting the next transformational modality?
Check out the YOU ARE WHAT YOU ACT WEB EXPERIENCE Try the 5 day Actorcize challenge. Do the exercises everyday for 5 days and let us know how you feel!
Director Albert Nerenberg
Producer Frederic Bohbot
Editor Joseph Bohbot
Cinematography Alex Chabot, Daniel Lynn, Kieran Crilly, Bill Stone
Composer Paul Baraka
Line Producer Valerie Shamash
Produced in association with Documentary Channel, Canal D, Canadian Media Fund.
Genre: Documentary
Category: Health & Wellness, Psychology
Production year: 2018
Language: English
Duration: 78, 52, 45 minutes
Delivery Format: Electronic File, DCP
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